Do you need CIS Return help?  We are here!  We offer a CIS administration service to help contractors manage their CIS responsibilities.  

The Construction Industry Scheme (CIS) is a tax deduction scheme which ensures tax is deducted at source by contractors within the construction industry.  

The CIS Scheme was introduced to try and prevent the loss of tax revenue to HMRC, ensuring that payments between contractors and subcontractors are reported correctly. 

CIS Administration Service

Our CIS administration service covers everything from verifying subcontractors and producing CIS deduction statements, to completing your monthly CIS returns with HMRC.  If you are a registered contractor you must file a CIS return even if you have not used any subcontractors within the month.  

What is included in this service:

  • Verification of subcontractors.
  • Informing you the net payment that needs to be made to the subcontractor.
  • Preparing monthly CIS deduction statements for each subcontractor.
  • Submitting monthly CIS returns to HMRC.

Price from £50 per month


We understand that your financial information is important and we take many steps to ensure your data is kept secure. All spreadsheets, documents and software associated to your business that is digitally stored is password encrypted. Any correspondence containing sensitive data that is sent via email will be sent as an attachment and will also be password encrypted. Physical paperwork is stored under lock and key. Your paperwork is isolated from any other clients so you can rest assured your information is safe. Full back ups of all data are taken once a week, and individual back ups are taken each time a change has been made to data. You can view our Confidentiality Statement here.

Want to find out more about our CIS administration services? Get in touch